Thursday, 10 May 2012

Flower Gradient Nails

For today's manicure I decided to do a simple floral gradient manicure. I did think manicure on Monday but I've been busy with things so didn't have time to edit the video and blogpost up until today.


For the gradient I used Fashion Wedges, I bought them from Dollarama (they can be found in the cosmetic section)
I applied French White by Wet n Wild as my base color. Using the Fashion Wedges I sponged Aqua Baby by China Glaze on 2/3 of my nails from the top, using the same method I applied Happy go Lucky by China Glaze on 2/3 of my nails from the bottom. By 2/3 I mean if you divide your nail into three horizontal sections you should get three different sections (section 1,2, and 3); and for the 1st part apply the blue nail polish on the top two sections (section 1 and 2) and for the second part apply the white nail polish on the bottom two (section 2 and 3) <= the middle section should change to green. Once you've gotten three colors on your nail keep on blending (using blue and yellow nail polish) until you are happy with the gradient. How it looked once I was done:
Bought these water decals from ebay for $8 ($8 for three extra large sheets plus $2 for shipping;). The sheet I used is No.087, click here if you want to see the listing; if you cannot open the link you can visit there store :jetwinson (or you can search '3X LARGE SHEET 220 NAIL IMAGES IN 1 NAIL ART TATTOOS' and go though the items listed).
Don't remove the plastic sheet from the entire sheet. Cut the decals you want to use (I cut the small square shown in the image bellow; the decals are BLE887), remove the plastic (from the piece you cut), cut out the individual decals, place each water decal in lukewarm water for 6-10 seconds (on the instruction sheet it says 10-20 seconds but for me after around 15 seconds the decals separated from the sheet while they are still in water). If you can move the decal from the white paper then dip your finger in water (if you don't do this step sometimes the decal dries before you get a chance to move it around) and place the decal on your nail (you might have to move it around to adjust it on your nail).

I applied 2 decals on most of my nails for this manicure. Also before applying a top coat make sure your nails are dry. How the manicure looked once I was done:

Final design on my other hand:

Hope you enjoyed my post for today. If you liked it or hated it let me know in the comment section below.


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